Sunday, February 27, 2011

Women's health

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim / بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم .

Memandangkan bulan ni saya sedang dalam 'rotation' di gynae department, meh nak kongsi ckit info menarek tentang kesihatan wanita.. Penting wooh..lelaki pon kena taw taw coz xkan la lelaki yg nak kawen dgn lelaki la plak kan.:D. Ha, siapa pernah dgr pasala Retroverted uterus (RU)? Angkat tgn angkat tgn! If dalam bahasa melayu, saye rase org2 tua panggil 'jatuh peranakan'. Tp still xsure, nak kena tny atok (panggilan untuk nenek saya) balik nnt sbb uterine prolapse pon boley jugak or mayb diorg sekalikn kot. RU ni biasenya since lahir da jd (congenital malformations) tp org xsedar..bila da besar baru ade symptoms dia..tu pon lepas buat examination baru jumpe abnormalities tu..Yela, xkan la baby baru lahir doc nak cek uterus die ok ke x ye dok? =_=" 

RU is when a uterus tilted backwards inside of the pelvis with its tips facing towards the spine. Normally women are born with a uterus located in a straight up and down position inside the pelvis or with uterus tips slightly forward towards the stomach. This condition affects >20% of women worldwide.

In most cases, a RU is genetic and is perfectly normal but there are other factors that can cause the uterus to be retroverted . Some cases are causes by pelvic surgery, pelvic adhesions, endometriosis, fibroid, pelvic inflammatory disease or the labor of childbirth. Ape yg menareknya, time ngah dok cari bhn for class presentation regarding 'uterus factors infertility', 'hantar' link kat saya pasal 1 blog ni. Blogger ni from US if xsilap. This young lady,muda lg..around 2o somtin n she's havin her 1st pregnancy which is da dkat 6th weeks da... Die da buat da segala macam jenis check up (1st time kot..mestila risau) n her condition is juz fine juz the doctor said she's havin a little problem with her uterus which is called RU. Based on her life history (anamnesis) the doc conclude that she is born normal but maybe due to her lifestyle during young age her uterus become retroverted. Sgt aktif b'sukan minah ni..entah2 cheerleader's captain kot..waa..sgt suka cte2 omputih sal cheerleader ni coz sgt la b'smgt mereka2 ni..haha. So,minah ni post la kat blog dia sbb die sgt risau coz RU jd bhye bila pregnancy tu da around 10-12th weeks. Meh tgk pic kat bwh ni:


Da nampak knp bhye? Cuba korang tgk betol2 uterus tu da t'sekat kat bahagian spine kita kan. Da t'perosok kat situ..(one of the symptoms is severe back pain during pregnancy). So,bila uterus m'besar time pregnancy, kan boley m'bahayakan 'baby' tu..Silap2 boley pecah (rupture) uterus. Tp kes2 yg disebabkan terlalu aktif ni sgt rare la. 1 dlm 1000 kot n lgpon uterus tu act ley je betol sendiri. If t'sekat jugak, baru la buat uplift surgery. Time bace blog ni buat saye t'ingat nasihat2 mama n atok mase kecik2 dulu>>>org pompuan mane boley dok buas sgt,xboley nek motor slalo, kalau naek bas jgn suka dudok seat blkg nnt xberanak kau taw..Agk2nye saye ni gns betol dlu kan, sampai atok suka panggil saye 'askar' sampai skang coz suka maen bwh kerusi kecik2 dulu2 (kerusi rotan yg ade lubang kat bwh). Bace article ni buat saya t'senyum kerang busuk sorang2..Rindu la nak balik umah!!T_T

QFT: Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.

Wassalam wrt~

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